Customized travel solutions
for state and local agencies

Contact the CTM team today

Contact us below for travel assistance or more information on participating in the NASPO Value Point travel program.

Travel Management Solutions for State Government

Travelers look for a tool that makes it super easy to book travel. In contrast, state and local government entities need a partner to help manage your entire travel program, including help managing compliance, driving savings, and supporting duty of care. As the preferred contract partner of NASPO, CTM can help!

Under a NASPO Participating Addendum with CTM, states receive consistent pricing and program elements:

  • Access to all NASPO travel suppliers and reduced rates
  • Choice of online booking tool, all compliant with program expectations, inclusive of government per diem and NASPO rates, expert site administration and customization
  • Agent support by a dedicated team of government experts
  • Account Management to support program development, policy and compliance, and measured savings

Have unique needs for your state or local entity? Direct agreements can facilitate tailored procurement solutions while also taking advantage of all NASPO Value Point benefits!

NASPO Value Point Contract Information